
OET Preparation

About OET

OET is recognized by Regulatory Healthcare Bodies and Councils in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai, United Kingdom, Ireland and Ukraine. It is also accepted for a number of visa categories including work and student visas. Many hospitals and universities consider OET as an evidence of a candidate’s effective communication skill in English.

OET Is Currently Approved For The Following Professions





Occupational Therapy






Speech Pathology

Veterinary Science


Each of the sub-tests that makes up OET is graded from A to E.OET GRADE – Description of Ability

  • A – Very high level of performance.
  • B – High level of performance –ie, able to use English with fluency and accuracy adequate for professional needs.
  • C – Good level of performance, however not acceptable to a range of Health and Medical Councils.
  • D – Moderate level of performance, requires improvement.
  • E – Low level of performance, requires considerable improvement.

Each of the sub-tests that makes up OET is graded from A to E.

  • A minimum of ‘B’ grade in each of the 4 subtests is required to clear the exam and it is valid for upto 2 years.
  • It’s available up to 12 times a year and can be taken at test venues around the world.
  • The exam fee is 587 AUD

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